Why can’t you give a watch to your loved one?

At first glance, it may seem that a watch is a great gift, but from the point of view of bioenergy, this is not at all the case. Giving a watch to a loved one is not worth it, and we will explain to you why.

In any situation concerning unpleasant omens, try to use conspiracies for good luck. This way you can avoid problems. There are many false signs, so not all superstitions can be trusted. As for giving a watch as a gift, it’s true – they can really ruin your happiness.

Hours in bioenergy
The clock has a rather strong energy, which takes part in building a favorable atmosphere in the house. This only happens when they are correct. The watch absorbs all the negativity that it encounters outside the home. Therefore, when moving, it is better to move the watch from house to house as soon as possible. If the move is long, it is better to buy new ones.

Before presenting a watch as a gift, a person keeps it surrounded by his aura for some time. The watch absorbs all the worst, and then gives it to the apartment or person for whom it is intended. For this reason, such a gift can be a kind of indicator of your relationship. If everything is in order, the clock will not bring bad luck. If there are problems in the relationship or the giver was in a bad mood while he had the watch, the gift can lead to trouble.

Folk omens about watches

Even folk signs prove the danger of such a gift. In many cultures, this gift is regarded as a symbol of trouble.

Presumably, the sign that you can not give a watch appeared in the East. It is connected with the fact that in Chinese there is a character for hours. It is very similar to the hieroglyph of death.

In the Middle Ages, people were completely afraid to keep a clock at home, because they believed that they contained a dark force that could destroy any idyll. A stopped clock, according to popular superstitions, promises only trouble.

If one person gives another watch as a gift, it can lead to separation. The sign appeared as a result of centuries-old observations: history knows many examples when people parted or their marriage broke up after such gifts. It is also believed that by giving a watch, you can bring trouble to a person, and a black streak will begin in his life.

One way or another, but signs have led to the fact that in the modern world, where almost everyone can afford a watch, it has become difficult to avoid the negative impact of centuries-old observations.

What if you want to give a watch

No matter how bad this gift may be in terms of signs or bioenergy, it is quite good from a practical point of view. The easiest way is to give money or a certificate for a watch so that a person can buy it on their own. This will protect him and you from all possible dangers.

According to other folk signs, you can give a watch to a person, but you must definitely take some kind of symbolic payment for them in order to ward off misfortunes. In this way, he will “buy” this watch, so he will be safe.

If you have been given a watch as a gift, experts at dailyhoro.ru recommend leaving it at home for a few days before putting it on. They have to get used to the environment. Then they can be worn without fear.

Many people calmly wear watches given to them by loved ones and friends. In many ways, signs work like self-hypnosis, so if you don’t get hung up on possible troubles, problems will bypass you. If you are still afraid of failure, you will need ways to neutralize bad omens.

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